The Deer Hunter 720p(hd) 1080i(hd) english subtitle
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Genre War, Drama
release Date 1978
8,2 / 10
Country USA
Star Christopher Walken
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The deer hunter watch movie watch. The deer hunter watch movie download. The deer hunter streaming movie. The Deer Hunter Watch movie maker. "The Deer Hunter" ranks among the best films of the 1970s, a long but not overly long saga of three Pennsylvania buddies whose lives are dramatically changed when they go off to fight in Vietnam.
As with many viewers, the Russian roulette scenes stand out most in my mind. They are painful to watch, but graphically capture the controlled-but-random nature of war, especially the Vietnam War. Christopher Walken gives a remarkable performance that has seared his character into my memory.
A minor point I was pleased with: De Niro"s character is treated as a hero when he returns. I was happy to see this reaction, which was more accurate - especially in small-town America - than the Veteran As Baby Killer stereotype found in so many Vietnam War movies.
The deer hunter watch movie reviews. The deer hunter watch movie torrent. The deer hunter full movie watch online. The deer hunter watch movies online free streaming. Something happens... THE DEER HUNTER Something else happens... THE DEER HUNTER More things happen... THE DEER HUNTER Things are happening... THE DEER HUNTER. The deer hunter watch movie trailer. I think the most interesting thing about the Deer Hunter is how it shows how a single experience can drastically change lives. Aside from a before and after that event there"s not much progression so if that central scene didn"t work I think the entire movie would have failed.
Watch the deer hunter movie. The deer hunter watch movie 2016. The deer hunter watch movie streaming. The deer hunter watch movies online. The different personalities of Steve, Mike, and Nick definitely give a prelude to what is going to happen to each one of them in the war in a sense.
Steve from the beginning of the film was engaged and got married. This told me that he needs someone to lean on and is very dependent. So during the war he would not be leader or the bold. For example, when he was capture with Mike and Nick and they were playing the empty/non empty chamber game he could barely shoot. Then he had to be rescued and carried along the way. All throughout the war he was leaning on someone else.
Nick is a very emotional character and this showed through with many different things. He randomly proposed to a girl right before he was about to leave for war and at times was overly cautious and others the complete opposite. He handled himself through the war but I am surprised he made it because he was so distraught, especially when he pulled the stunt in the den. He took the gun with a couple empty chambers and shot a guy and then himself taking a massive risk because he was in a high emotional state. He balanced Mike out because Mike was the opposite of him.
Mike was a very cautious and controlled man. He would rather hike on his own because he could control himself. He couldn"t control everyone else around him and that was just too much risk to deal with. In his group of friends he was the dominant leader and everyone looked to him for guidance. Throughout the war the same thing was apparent. To get through tough situations such as being held captive, Mike was the one who got everyone through it. He was the glue that held everyone together, sort of the father of the group.
Was sorry to hear John Wayne sadly died not too long after this. Oh, pretty baby. The Deer Hunter Watch movie database. In the top 3 best movie scene of ALL time. The deer hunter watch movie cast. The deer hunter free movie streaming. One of the best movies ever. The deer hunter watch movie online. For me, the Deer Hunter along with the Godfather II are two of the best movies ever made. The Deer Hunter Watch. The Deer Hunter Watch movie page. Watch the deer hunter full movie free.
The deer hunter watch movie season. The Deer Hunter Watch movie reviews. Wow, just wow. Gotta love the 1970s trailers. The deer hunter watch movie wiki. The deer hunter watch movie release. I cry watching John Wayne last appearance. He is so brave. A true man. Didn"t think id enjoy this for a class, I was very very wrong. though I watch it at 1.5x speed and it felt normal. Seen this movie, and this movie is one of the most intense and amazing films I ever saw. I give this movie overall 8.5/10 rating, this movie was really long, 3 hours long but every second I felt involved with the movie. it was amazing and didn"t bore me at all, no wonder it won 5 oscars and got 8.2 rating on IMDB, I already knew this is going to be great after sawing Robert De Niro and Christopher Walken in the movie, also Meryl Streep. I am glad I saw this, this is definitely for some people once in a life time movie but I feel like I will comeback to see this again. just a true classic masterpiece! enough said.
Is it me or does michael cimino kinda look like jon lovitz.
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Ive never cried at a movie like I have this one. I watch it at least twice a year and the older I get, the more it resonates on levels that it didnt in previous years. The deer hunter watch movie series. The deer hunter watch movie youtube. Ive seen this probably 5 times, the first in the late 70s. I think this may only be the second time for the uncut/made for t.v. version. It ranks in the top 10 movies of all time. My opinion of course.
The Deer Hunter Watch movie. The Deer Hunter and Midnight Express in on year. Jesus. The Deer Hunter is so great. One of my favorite all time movies. Another good movie by Cimino is "Thunderbolt and Lightfoot.
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Watch the deer hunter full movie. 4:16 The Viet Cong is both cruel and hilarious. A lot of legends on that stage are gone. Am I talkin" to me. The deer hunter watch online. I played the troll toll. The Deer Hunter Watch movie page imdb. The Deer Hunter Watch movies. The deer hunter watch movie 2017. This is an such a fantastic channel, thank you so much for consistently professional and original content, your format and delivery is really engaging, I look forward to more videos. The deer hunter movie watch online free. Yes, one shot. Michael was the alpha male, a dying breed in books and film today. They both were loved by Linda, such a sweet, feminine and gentle woman. She was abused by her father, neglected by her mother, but chose to be different, better than her parents. Michael was ever so gentle, so tender towards her, was jealous of his best friend, and probably would never intrude on their relationship, for to just see her, love her from a distance, he was drunk and wanted to kiss her, but thought of Nick. What a friend Nick had in him. When Linda tells him she never got a call or a letter, so denied of his love for her, she was forgotten, he knew the war did that, was responsible. The pain he saw her feeling, he felt it too.
The deer hunter watch movie review. RIP Michael for the Deer Hunter, one of the greatest movies of all time. The deer hunter full movie streaming. Working class lads no care in the world. Innocent fun drinking and playing. Probably never seen the world outside their small-town. You will never be prepared for what war really is.
The Deer Hunter
3.8 stars -